Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. once said “life’s most persistent and urgent question is what are you doing for others.”

Project Lemonade

Project Lemonade provides foster youth with a back-to-school shopping experience and offers support to inspire self-esteem and promote success.

Anthony’s Circle

Anthony’s Circle is empowering foster youth through Oregon public education. With the mission to implement a full-time educational navigator in state middle and high schools dedicated to guide and support foster youth through an educational program, extra-curricular activities and by providing life skills on a consistent basis. Through this work, they believe they can help build healthy, productive adults and leaders within the community.

Habitat for Humanity

Habitat for Humanity is a nonprofit organization that helps families build and improve places to call home. We believe affordable housing plays a critical role in strong and stable communities.

Oregon Food Bank

Hunger hurts children, families, seniors, veterans and the disabled. While the economy has improved for some people, we still have 1 in 7 neighbors facing food insecurity. Hunger starves the human spirit. Communities thrive when people are nourished.